Raising Futures Kenya has been announced as the winner of National Small Charity Big Impact Awards 2019!


On 21st June Raising Futures were announced as a winner of the national FSI Small Charity Big Impact Awards, fighting off competition from hundreds of other small charities. 


The award recognises the impact of our Seed of Hope programme, providing vulnerable young people in Kenya with better opportunities through personal guidance, counselling, business support and vocational training. Over the past year, over 800 young people have been trained in vocational and business skills or mentored by a Raising Futures graduate.  91% of the graduates from our vocational training programme are employed, self-employed or in further education one year after graduation.


Pauline Broomhead CBE, CEO of the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), the charity behind the award and Small Charity Week said:


“Small charities do amazing work, often having an impact far beyond their size, yet they often don’t receive the recognition and celebration they deserve. We’re delighted that over ten years of Small Charity Week thousands of small charities have had the chance to shout about their work and get the support they need, and our Small Charity Big Impact Awards are one of the highlights of the Week. We are thrilled to award Raising Futures Kenya this prize and congratulate them on their amazing work.”


“Without the tireless hard work of small charities and community groups, many people in the UK and internationally would be considerably worse off,” said Zoe Darrah, Marketing Co-ordinator at Policy Bee, the sponsors of the awards. “As most of these organisations don’t get anything like the recognition they deserve, a glittering awards ceremony that sings their praises can only be a good thing. If it were up to us, they’d all get a prize – as it is we’re just pleased to support this good cause for good causes.”


Watch our award film about Seed of Hope


Vic Hancock Fell, Raising Future’s UK Director  was delighted to receive the good news about the award and said: “Our team in Kenya work incredibly hard to achieve the impact we’ve seen in the last 18 years and change the lives of vulnerable young people in Kenya. I am so proud of them and of Raising Futures as an organisation. We are all so excited win this years Small Charity Big Impact award for our category. Small charities have so much to offer but often go unnoticed – we’re very grateful that The FSI has recognised our work!”


Florence Olwenge, Seed of Hope Manager said: “When I need to push myself, I think of the many lives that we change through our Seed of Hope vocational training programme and my spirits are lifted. Today we are recognised as winners, which we will always be as we continue improving lives by empowering and mentoring vulnerable young men and women”


The FSI Small Charity Big Impact Awards are a way to highlight the work of small charities (those with a turnover under £1 million) and the impact they make on a local, national and international level.